Thursday, 13 October 2011


The second week has been harder.  This is mainly because I have gone down to 3 sachets instead of 4.  This is because its more affordable this way for us.  I'm glad I stuck to this change though as towards the end of the week I was back to being normal.

I have now completed 2 weeks on the plan and am now allowed to exercise.  I have also lost 11lbs and people are noticing the weight coming off.  This is a great feeling but I just want it off faster!

During this week, we had some people over and we had the normal cakes and biscuits out.  I sat there watching everyone just happily snacking and it got me thinking.  My old eating habits means I would probably of eaten 2 cakes and a couple of biscuits, regardless of whether I was hungry.  This meant I would of gone to bed having consumed a large amount of calories that I did not need to eat.  There have been plenty of occasions where I have eaten because it was there, rather than needed to or even wanted too. 

In the morning there was 1 left over cake and 4 biscuits.  The biscuits easily divided out to the boys but the cake I would probably of eaten, just because I couldn't stand the arguments over which son should have it or wasted the food by putting it in the bin.  I hate wasting food.  Even with my homemade bread i save the crusts for bread pudding or croutons, any loaves that go stale (very very occasionally) this is then frozen to make stuffing.  The idea of throwing food away is just awful for me but I have to learn that I'm not the bin, neither are my children. 

I am slowly learning that what we consume is really important.  Food is fuel for our bodies and starting the day off with refined carbs and high doses of sugar because I don't like to see waste, is just a different type of waste.  Rather than fuelling our bodies properly, I would choose to contaminate them.  Rather than saving it as a treat for later in the day as part of a balanced diet, I would of consumed it without really thinking about what I was doing to my body.  This diet has really made me think about where I go wrong with my food choices and how I can make changes to benefit both myself and family.

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