Tuesday, 29 November 2011

I'm at TARGET!!!!!

I have finally made it! It feels great, I can't quite believe its happened.  I know I have worked really hard and I have longed to be here but now that I'm here I still can't quite believe it!

I still managed to loose the final 2lb even by introducing a small amount of carbs on stage 3.  I moved up to the next stage to get me ready for eating a more balanced diet - all the food groups.  Previously it consisted of veg and protein, small amount of dairy (skimmed milk). On stage 3 you introduce fruit and carbs back.  Over the following stages, you increase the amounts and calorie levels. 

I am planning on trying to do a week at each level to help with maintenance but i know this week, will be a bit harder.  Jon and I have 24hrs alone time so we're going out together and whilst I know not to go mad (my tummy is only used to eating small amounts) we will be eating out.  We're really looking forward to it, also will be shopping for new clothes as the majority of my wardrobe is now too big!!!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Under 9 stone!

It feels so good! It was so worth continuing on with the diet (after 1 week maintaining and 1 week gain of a pound) I lost 6 pounds in one week! I now have 6 lbs left to loose till I reach my target weight. I am so excited - roll on end of November!  Maybe I'll get to target or pretty close by then...

I am now below 9 stone which feels great - I haven't been here for a while and it feels good to be back.  An older lady said to me 'wow I don't know how you do it, I'm guessing by this weight loss you have finished making your family'.  It does feel really good to feel like me again.  My eldest is 8 years old and whilst I would not commit to never having anymore children I am happily flirting with the next phase of life!

Lots of comments used to be of concern that the diet would be no good for me and that it was not healthy, now its more well you won't maintain or it'll be really hard for you, as you've not learnt to cut down naturally.  I know I can't return to how I used to eat but I really don't want to be that person again.  Eating whatever I fancied just meant I wanted more and more of what I fancied.  I was never satisfied.  There wasn't an empty hole that represented an area of unfulfillment in my life, I just loved food and wanted to eat it.  I always felt hungry and loved cooking and trying out new recipes.

It does take a lot of control and discipline to do this diet and I don't want to throw away all this hard work.  I know I need to say no to food and this diet has helped me to do it.  This diet has helped me get my appetite under control and not be a slave to food. I know I am strong and I know what I've been through to get here.  I have learnt to look at food differently.  Obviously I can't tell what will happen in the future, but when I achieve target weight, I know that its something I will need to control continuously.  I guess its the same for anyone who has been facing an addiction.  I have learnt to say 'No'.  A simple 2 letterword and its been a great help.  At the moment the joy of being under 9 stone is far greater than eating my favourite chocolate bar or having take out!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

The ends in sight...

I think this must be the hardest stage yet... Having maintained for a week and then put on a pound! I feel like I'm stuck.  I don't feel I can really come off the diet because if I put a pound on with eating so little, goodness knows how much I'll put on eating throughout the day. So onwards I press, hoping to speed up my metabolism quickly and loose this last bit of weight. 

The weight gain is due to introducing food again.  Apparently normal, as my body has been in starvation mode so grabs onto the food but long term can not hold onto it as I am having very low calories.

The last part is really hard as the weight losses are smaller and I have moved into healthy weight range, so I could just stay where i am.  However one big meal and I'll be back over.  I would rather be comfortably in the correct weight range rather than teetering over the edge. 

Eating again has been strange.  My stomach has shrunk and I've had to divide my meal into 2, otherwise its too much for me to eat.  I'm sure as I get used to eating again I'll be able to have this in one go.  I feel much better on stage 2 and have not felt hungry.  I thought eating might make me want to just eat more but I feel quite content on this stage.  I will stay on this stage until the begining of December (as we have too many social commitments) and this diet is not social! I hopefully will be close to target by then.  I think after the Christmas break I'll be ready to start again and get the last part off!

Friday, 18 November 2011

Stage 2

Well its been a while since I've actually eaten real food but now that I am getting closer to target and my weight has stabilised on stage 1, I need to speed up my metabolism and get my body prepared for eating food again.

Its weird, the thought of eating food again.. I guess I've been fine without it (food) and eating again seems like a hassle.  I'm worried the weight will go on, instead of off or that I'll return to my old ways...  It will also require more thinking and planning from me. 

However I do enjoy food and I knew that not eating would not last forever.  I want to learn more about food and what your body needs to survive and to maintain good health. 

I have been reading the food bible.  I have found this book really helpful.  There are so many ways to eating healthy, so many different opinions and eating plans - it can become confusing.  This book evaluates the different diets available but what I like is that it also breaks down food by groups, explains what they're all about and why you need them (don't think I'll be visiting McDonald's anytime soon, now i know about trans fats). It also explains where your food comes from, the pros and cons of organic, food for different ages as well as medicinal. This book has given me a lot more confidence to eating and I'm looking forward to trying it out - however in the mean time I'm still in weight loss mode and must press on! It will be worth it!

Friday, 11 November 2011

Side effects....

I tried on my old favourite skirt.  It usually fitted 'well' and now when i put it on it falls straight off!!! Its such a great feeling! So side effect of this diet is not being able to fit into my old favourite clothing...

People are now starting to notice the weight loss too!, well as I've lost almost 2 stone it should be noticeable by now. Another side effect of this diet is compliments!

Having lost some of my excess baggage, I find that exercising is much easier - I now can do the exercises (my davina 30min workout dvd) much easier than before and my flexibility is back!

Although I still have more weight to loose, I'm feeling much more like me again.  I can physically do things better than I previously could and my children no longer call me fat. 

It is good to be in the healthy BMI range.  I would rather be sitting comfortably in this range which is why I am choosing to press on.  I am begining to miss food now though as its been a while since i have physically eaten but I am soon moving to stage 2, where i introduce food slowly...

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Blaming the Diet

I know that this diet seems an extreme measure, I know it seems like its full of health complications etc but if you actually check it out and read up about it, you may change your mind.  There are 6 stages and if followed correctly then there is no reason it should be unhealthy for you.  This diet has been going a long time.

Since being on this diet, anything that goes wrong, everyone automatically assumes its the diets fault.  I catch a virus - its the diet.  I develop an allergy rash - its the diet.  Well I caught viruses etc before I went on the diet, this is not new for me.  I have no idea what allergy I have but after a month of doing the diet I'm not sure I'd just suddenly become allergic to it??

I think I just get a bit fed up when I'm working really hard and doing something which I feel is positive for myself, for everyone to want to pick holes in it. I feel that people are waiting on the sideline for it to all fall apart or for me to reach my weight and then put it all back on.  I know there is no easy diet, believe me I'd take that option if there were, this is really hard work and I am determine to make it work.  I'm not doing it because I love Cambridge diet, I'm doing it because I want to change the way I eat and view food, I need to loose this excess weight and a strict diet is the best approach for me.  I have tried other methods and they're not right for me.

I know that they are looking out for me.  This is an unusual or drastic approach compared to the other diets which are around at the moment, however if I felt this was effecting my health and making me ill, I would stop it. 

On the sachets I actually feel quite good.  I do not have loads of energy or buzzing but just normal.  My hair and nails have been fine, my skin has really cleared up, I don't suffer with cravings or hunger pangs, in fact I just feel normal.  I keep thinking back to how I normally ate and I can't believe how little I have now and function just as well, if not better.  I don't do full on exercise as i used to before (as I do think I would run out of energy) but walking fast enough to be out of breath is manageable for me at this stage, so I do this.  I plan on increasing the exercise amount as I work through the stages.  As I feel being fit is really important in looking after yourself.