Friday, 18 November 2011

Stage 2

Well its been a while since I've actually eaten real food but now that I am getting closer to target and my weight has stabilised on stage 1, I need to speed up my metabolism and get my body prepared for eating food again.

Its weird, the thought of eating food again.. I guess I've been fine without it (food) and eating again seems like a hassle.  I'm worried the weight will go on, instead of off or that I'll return to my old ways...  It will also require more thinking and planning from me. 

However I do enjoy food and I knew that not eating would not last forever.  I want to learn more about food and what your body needs to survive and to maintain good health. 

I have been reading the food bible.  I have found this book really helpful.  There are so many ways to eating healthy, so many different opinions and eating plans - it can become confusing.  This book evaluates the different diets available but what I like is that it also breaks down food by groups, explains what they're all about and why you need them (don't think I'll be visiting McDonald's anytime soon, now i know about trans fats). It also explains where your food comes from, the pros and cons of organic, food for different ages as well as medicinal. This book has given me a lot more confidence to eating and I'm looking forward to trying it out - however in the mean time I'm still in weight loss mode and must press on! It will be worth it!

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