Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Blaming the Diet

I know that this diet seems an extreme measure, I know it seems like its full of health complications etc but if you actually check it out and read up about it, you may change your mind.  There are 6 stages and if followed correctly then there is no reason it should be unhealthy for you.  This diet has been going a long time.

Since being on this diet, anything that goes wrong, everyone automatically assumes its the diets fault.  I catch a virus - its the diet.  I develop an allergy rash - its the diet.  Well I caught viruses etc before I went on the diet, this is not new for me.  I have no idea what allergy I have but after a month of doing the diet I'm not sure I'd just suddenly become allergic to it??

I think I just get a bit fed up when I'm working really hard and doing something which I feel is positive for myself, for everyone to want to pick holes in it. I feel that people are waiting on the sideline for it to all fall apart or for me to reach my weight and then put it all back on.  I know there is no easy diet, believe me I'd take that option if there were, this is really hard work and I am determine to make it work.  I'm not doing it because I love Cambridge diet, I'm doing it because I want to change the way I eat and view food, I need to loose this excess weight and a strict diet is the best approach for me.  I have tried other methods and they're not right for me.

I know that they are looking out for me.  This is an unusual or drastic approach compared to the other diets which are around at the moment, however if I felt this was effecting my health and making me ill, I would stop it. 

On the sachets I actually feel quite good.  I do not have loads of energy or buzzing but just normal.  My hair and nails have been fine, my skin has really cleared up, I don't suffer with cravings or hunger pangs, in fact I just feel normal.  I keep thinking back to how I normally ate and I can't believe how little I have now and function just as well, if not better.  I don't do full on exercise as i used to before (as I do think I would run out of energy) but walking fast enough to be out of breath is manageable for me at this stage, so I do this.  I plan on increasing the exercise amount as I work through the stages.  As I feel being fit is really important in looking after yourself.

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